Excel For Chemists Billo Pdf

2020. 3. 6. 09:57카테고리 없음

Reviews from previous editions:' Excel for Chemists should be part of any academic library offering courses and programs in Chemistry.' — Choice'I highly recommend the book; treat yourself to it; assign it to a class; give it as a gift.' — The NucleusThe newly revised step-by-step guide to using the scientific calculating power of Excel to perform a variety of chemical calculationsChemists across all subdisciplines use Excel to record data in tabular form, but few have learned to take full advantage of the program.

A Comprehensive Guide. Author: E. Joseph Billo.

Excel For Chemists Billo Pdf

Publisher: Wiley. ISBN: 964. Category: Science.

Page: 480. View: 8389In one volume, this book offers the reader a complete instructional and reference manual on using Microsoft Excel for chemical applications. The first half of the book is a sourcebook of instructions on Excel using chemical example throughout.

The writing style and illustrations are far superior (for scientists) to manuals currently available. The second half of the book shows how to use Excel's built-in worksheet functions to perform advanced calculations, and illustrates these techniques with applications in chemistry. It also offers numerous useful macros and spreadsheets for solving a variety of chemistry problems.

The book will be packaged with two diskettes, for Macintosh and Windows environments, respectively, that will include many spreadsheets and macros presented in the text. A Comprehensive Guide. Author: E. Joseph Billo. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 047038123X.

Category: Science. Page: 768. View: 7707Reviews from previous editions: 'Excel for Chemists should be part of any academic library offering courses and programs in Chemistry.' —Choice 'I highly recommend the book; treat yourself to it; assign it to a class; give it as a gift.' —The Nucleus The newly revised step-by-step guide to using the scientific calculating power of Excel to perform a variety of chemical calculations Chemists across all subdisciplines use Excel to record data in tabular form, but few have learned to take full advantage of the program. Featuring clear step-by-step instructions, Excel for Chemists illustrates how to use the scientific calculating power of Excel to perform a variety of chemical calculations. Including a CD-ROM for Windows, this new edition provides chemists and students with a detailed guide to using the current versions of Excel (Excel 2007 and 2010) as well as Excel 2003.

James Holler,Stanley R. Crouch. Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN:. Category: Science.

Page: 480. View: 1331This supplement can be used in any analytical chemistry course. The exercises teaches you how to use Microsoft Excel using applications from statistics, data analysis equilibrium calculations, curve fitting, and more. Operations include everything from basic arithmetic and cell formatting to Solver, Goal Seek, and the Data Analysis Toolpak. The authors show you how to use a spreadsheet to construct log diagrams and to plot the results. Statistical data treatment includes descriptive statistics, linear regression, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance.

Tutorial exercises include nonlinear regression such as fitting the Van Deemter equation, fitting kinetics data, determining error coefficients in spectrophotometry, and calculating titration curves. Additional features include solving complex systems of equilibrium equations and advanced graphical methods: error bars, charts with insets, matrices and determinants, and much more. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Numerical Methods. Author: E.

Joseph Billo. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:. Category: Computers. Page: 480. View: 2904Learn to fully harness the power of Microsoft Excel® to perform scientific and engineering calculations With this text as your guide, you can significantly enhance Microsoft Excel's® capabilities to execute the calculations needed to solve a variety of chemical, biochemical, physical, engineering, biological, and medicinal problems. The text begins with two chapters that introduce you to Excel's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language, which allows you to expand Excel's® capabilities, although you can still use the text without learning VBA.

Following the author's step-by-step instructions, here are just a few of the calculations you learn to perform: Use worksheet functions to work with matrices Find roots of equations and solve systems of simultaneous equations Solve ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations Perform linear and non-linear regression Use random numbers and the Monte Carlo method This text is loaded with examples ranging from very basic to highly sophisticated solutions. More than 100 end-of-chapter problems help you test and put your knowledge to practice solving real-world problems.

Answers and explanatory notes for most of the problems are provided in an appendix. The CD-ROM that accompanies this text provides several useful features: All the spreadsheets, charts, and VBA code needed to perform the examples from the text Solutions to most of the end-of-chapter problems An add-in workbook with more than twenty custom functions This text does not require any background in programming, so it is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate courses. Moreover, practitioners in science and engineering will find that this guide saves hours of time by enabling them to perform most of their calculations with one familiar spreadsheet package. Author: June Jamrich Parsons,Dan Oja,Roy Ageloff,Patrick Carey.

Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN:.

Category: Computers. Page: 904. View: 1632With the New Perspectives' critical-thinking, problem-solving approach, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL 2010 and will learn how to take advantage of the flexibility it offers.

Case-based tutorials challenge students to apply what they are learning to real-life tasks, preparing them to easily transfer skills to new situations. With New Perspectives, students understand why they're learning what they're learning and are better situated to retain skills beyond the classroom. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version. Author: Jeannette Brown. Publisher: Oxford University Press. ISBN:.

Excel For Chemists Billo Pdf 2016

Category: Science. Page: 264. View: 665Dr.

Marie Maynard Daly received her PhD in Chemistry from Columbia University in 1947. Although she was hardly the first of her race and gender to engage in the field, she was the first African American woman to receive a PhD in chemistry in the United States.

Excel For Chemists Billo Pdf Free

In this book, Jeannette Brown, an African American woman chemist herself, will present a wide-ranging historical introduction to the relatively new presence of African American women in the field of chemistry. It will detail their struggles to obtain an education and their efforts to succeed in a field in which there were few African American men, much less African American women. The book contains sketches of the lives of African America women chemists from the earliest pioneers up until the late 1960's when the Civil Rights Acts were passed and greater career opportunities began to emerge. In each sketch, Brown will explore women's motivation to study the field and detail their often quite significant accomplishments. Chapters focus on chemists in academia, industry, and government, as well as chemical engineers, whose career path is very different from that of the tradition chemist.

The book concludes with a chapter on the future of African American women chemists, which will be of interest to all women interested in science.